Saturday, April 5, 2008

All things in moderation

As in, I need to moderate the comments posted on my blog. Not that people are being rude, or nasty or anything like that. It's worse. I've had a couple of comments that contain links to questionable sites. Again, not rude, nasty or anything like that sites, but do you want to click on links in peoples comments and have to worry about it. No. So I'm protecting you. There, big brother has reached my blog. Ughhhh!!
So, if you post a comment, it will not appear until I can approve it. The one good thing is it that it forced me to review the way people can post to the blog. For those of you without Google or Blogger accounts, it means you just have to add you name in the field like I have done below

You will also have to do that verification thingy they ask for
All it all it should make it easier for my friends to post comments (hint, hint! It's good to see comments, it means you are out there!)

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