I know there are more India stories to be told, however....
To make a long story short, Saturday had to have been one of the longest, worst days of my life. I was travelling for 30 hours starting at 3 AM Bangalore time. I woke up with a stomach ache and intestinal issues. I tried to be real careful while I was there, I ate vegetarian to avoid under cooked meats, I brushed my teeth with bottled water, but still I got nabbed. Not sure how, but that is all water under the bridge. I hardly ate on the flights and slept very little. By the time I got to Newark, I was exhausted. In order to get through customs you need to pick up your luggage. I'm standing by the baggage carousel, when I think I hear my name being called with some others. I figure since the plane was late and I was short on time to get to my flight to CLE that they were going to expedite my movement through Customs. WRONG!
I was informed that my suitcase did not make the flight to NJ and I needed to put in a claim when I got to CLE. I was kinda upset, but also too tired to really care at that time.
Well, 4 days later I still don't have my bag. They did call yesterday to see if there was anything inside the bag that might stand out. I mentioned my Hawaiian shirt, "Good" she said, "that is different". I also told her that in every pocket and inside the bag was my name and contact information, "Good", she said. Not sure I feel better, but she seemed happy.
In regards to the illness, it only took me till Wednesday to feel better, between the sickness, the exhaustion and the jet lag, I was slammed.
The good news is that it was great to get home. Rose, Sean and Charlie were all very happy to see me. Sean and Rose made me a welcome home poster, with flowers and a card. It was great to come home to them. I'd show you a picture of it, but my camera power cord and USB cable are all in my luggage....
It was great doing some relaxing Sunday and Monday, and getting settled in. I worked from home Tuesday/Wednesday to re-acclimate myself. Today it's off to the office for the first time. If I don't get my luggage soon, I'll need to do some shopping as most of my work clothes are in my luggage....
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