Friday, August 3, 2007

TGIF - "I'm Going Home"

While I have enjoyed my trip, both on a personal and professional level, I'm glad today is my last full day in India. I have spent time with friends, eaten some great food, seen some awesome sights and met really nice people, but I'm ready to go home.

To quote Chris Daughtry:

I'm going home, back to the place where I belong,
and where your love has always been enough for me......
...But these places and these faces are getting old, so I'm going home.
Well I'm going home.

I miss my family. I know my being away for extended periods is not easy for Rose or Sean. Being able to talk to them on a regular basis and sharing stories with them via this blog have helped, but I'm looking forward to spending face to face time with them (and even Charlie) on Sunday.

I still have many stories and pictures to post in the upcoming days, so please check back for updates...

1 comment:

Rose said...

Hi Honey,
Sean and I have really enjoyed reading your blog. It was great! We miss you so much....Can't wait to see you!
I Love you, Rose xoxo

Hi Dad,
I can't wait for you to come home so then we can play Mario Baseball!